c/o CC Parco Clodì - Strada statale Romea 309, 508/A - 30015 Chioggia (VE)


Voglia improvvisa di Galletto?

per fortuna befed

è anche delivery

Ordina subito su:


Sudden craving for Galletto?

Fortunately BEFED
is also Take Away

Opening Hours

Monday 11.30-14.45 | 18.00-23.00
Tuesday 11.30-14.45 | 18.00-23.00
Wednesday 11.30-14.45 | 18.00-23.00
Thursday 11.30-14.45 | 18.00-23.00
Friday 11.30-14.45 | 18.00-23.00
Saturday 11.30-14.45 | 18.00-23.00
Sunday 11.30-14.45 | 18.00-23.00


Where We Are

BEFED Chioggia is located at the Clodì Commercial Park and, thanks to its large windows and BEFED-style decor, is a cozy and bright venue.

Our flagship product is BEFED Galletto, tender and spicy, we recommend enjoying it with one of our Craft Beers. Our menu offerings also include sandwiches, vegetarian and toddler options.

Our Staff is made up of many different people but with one very specific goal: 100% BEFED style which translates into friendliness, fun and above all, quality of the products offered.

Our motto is: customer satisfaction always comes first!

We are waiting for you!